2020 has certainly been a disruptive time, it has also presented opportunities for companies to re-imagine and reinvent, find growth for the future. We must be responsive to changes. What are the goals for your station, Abe Thomas looked at what media consumers consumed during the pandemic. He spoke about the survival of radio and the trust that consumers have in radio, but he said we need to evangelize about radio even more with all groups! “We need to stop defending radio, in fact we need to spend more energy pursuing growth, we need to see dashboards and smart speakers and podcasts as opportunities instead of threats…radio needs to invest in strong and compelling digital services, if it does radio can look forward to a robust future.” Abe Thomas, CEO, BigFM/Reliance Network, India Abe stressed that data is crucial to the future of radio, radio measurement needs to evolve and if radio looks into investing in measurement then this will ensure the future of radio. He gave some examples of the work done by his stations during the pandemic including; research and new ad planning software. Abe looked to the future and the role of content, also where this content needs to be in terms of technology including voice controls & devices. Stations also need to look at dynamic content delivery by building topical authority – storytelling, purposeful action, plus language this is a great tool to generate leads and build engagement and build regional story telling. Partnerships should and have been key in the pandemic they must add value to clients. Cross promotion across all brands is important. He finished by saying radio needs to evolve and innovate to attract new listeners. He showed a slide which showed how Big Radio is doing just this strategy. We have to re-imagine to win..may 2021 be our best year yet!