Radioplayer Meet Up: Find out how Radioplayer can help drive your radio station into the digital world! 


Radioplayer is the only non-profit, broadcaster-backed radio platform, launched in 2011. We are THE voice of broadcasters to automotive companies, offering free services to OEMs to help create world-class hybrid radios.

On average, more than 40% of the radio’s listening time is in the car. Hence, we need to secure broadcast radio in cars which are FM and DAB+.

It is so important for a radio station to keep a real presence in cars as there is strong competition in the Dashboard where cars are now all connected and radio in competition with all the other on demand services, such as Spotify, Youtube, Tiktok, Twitch ect.

Radioplayer is different from the other platforms as Radioplayer is a country-based platform where broadcasters in a country join together and collaborate to operate their own local Radioplayer. Also, Radioplayer is the one stop shop for all radio in your country and it sits alongside your own apps and consumer products. 

The reasons to be part of Radioplayer are because Radioplayer is the nervous system of modern radio. It transmits essential data from broadcasters to end-users and the listeners. Also, it transforms audio consumption into a rich multimedia experience by reliably providing pictures, now-playing information, logos and station identification, depending on the device.

In conclusion, radio has an important national, societal role which it must avoid ‘Netflix-ization’. Last but not least, radio has always been simple and it should remain so.

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