How the world will be listening in the future

“People have been busy predicting the death of radio”. James Cridland, Radio Futurologist, ended the opening session of Radiodays Asia with a look at the future of radio – by looking at radios past. In the 90s 9 out of 10 people in the UK listened to radio – because there wasn’t must else, no social media kids!   He noted that we relied on radio for new music, news, weather and much more today we don’t need that, so it’s suprising that radio is still reaching 9 out of 10 people, part of peoples lives and is a habit. He looked at the current trends on Google, Spotify and Facebook especially as the younger generation is changing listening.  “Radio has a unique power…radio is not ultra personalised it helps people see both sides of the audience…radio helps connects people…radio can bring us together as people” – A powerful message from James Cridland.  He also noted that radio is still the lean back medium and therefore it is something that we can do at all times of the day and in all parts of our life. Radio can also give listeners “a shared expereience with a human connection”. The best radio shows at the moment are those which make “the listener a star” something other platforms cannot do.  Radio is about community, it’s about for societies and about understanding of humans. He concluded by saying that the audience at Radiodays Asia needs to remember ‘the Power of Radio’.   

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