Radio research for Australia

Online listening is still low 18% in the US over 5-6 years, will Australia follow this trend?  Julie Warner, Commercial Radio Australia presented the Infinite Dial research from Australia.  In Australia there are still a similar number, 4 or more, in every home and even if they don’t have a radio there are other opportunties to listen and this shouldn’t be forgotten.  Radio App awareness is growing for all apps TuneIn, iHeart Radio and the Australia own app but use of these apps is still small.  Awareness of online audio streming is growing, with a jump for Amazon due to Alexa. Again while awareness is high, useage is low Spotify 34% of people listening in the last year.  Weekly YouTube music usage is growing, it’s still competition in the audio space (even though they are in the TV space).  Time spent with audio is growing in Australia and listening in the car continues to be very strong. Radio holds the lions share in the car but with an increase in streaming and own music.  80% of 12+ people are aware of podcasts this is higher than in the US due to a long time promotion on traditional radio. There is more listening in the US however to podcasts 50%, in Australia 30% which is still quite small.  Smart speakers present an exciting new way to listen to audio. There has been a huge increase in awareness but only 13% penetration of devices in homes.  Finally she said, that the audio space is dynamic with opportunities for radio broadcasters, FAANG are now working in this space with Facebook coming. 

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