“Tell the truth, make it matter and never be boring”. You need to check your facts plus are you authentically interested in the subject matter? Valerie Geller, President of Geller Media gave some important insights into the three key areas of keeping your audience engaged. She said that you have to make what you say matter, that’s what makes you a powerful communicator. “Radio has learned the power of Twitter and the power of disinformation” Valerie Geller The lessons learned were about new technologies and information is power and it’s very dangerous, it’s the job of broadcasters many fold and to be as ethical as possible. Commuter audiences obviously reduced and the way that listeners changed. On demand listening is global, consumers want to listen when they want to listen and broadcasters need to meet audiences across multi-platform. Valerie said, people still want audio, radio means you are not alone. Radio and podcasting are still audio, though podcasting is not curated it’s a full range of experiences. “The secret is talk to one person”. Valerie spoke about the importance of the air check, there needs to be some form of measurement. She said that this is a key part of her book. You have to love radio to be good at it so that you have “the passion and the appreciation for when it’s good”. Valerie spoke about the future of radio and how going live, breaking news is still what makes radio exciting. Recorded or live both have their place in radio. She finished with reinterating “Tell the truth, make it matter and never be boring”.