It’s impossible to make a show for everyone! You need to make your show for someone. Christian O’Connell was live at Radidays Asia Every show is about a collection of bits and every day is a new set of bits. Christian said he thought that radio needs to really take away the lessons of podcast and know your market, your audience and your niche. Christian said being aware of himself and working out how to use this on the show. Radio is all about the details, even with a big story you need to pick out the small moments so listeners can connect to. Jack spoke about not giving away AUD 50k, but Christian said he said no because his wife thought the idea was boring. He said that there are a lot of shows that ‘buy’ listeners, Christian said this is lazy radio and he wants to create his own world and connect properly with listeners. People want connection and love – who you are as real people. Changing audio habits was as an outsider and an unknown, you have to have a connection. “The start of every day is the start of a new conversation”. Jack also noted that Christian uses email well in the show. Christian leaves wriggle room for spontaneity, this allows for you to be engaged with the show. It’s more exciting because “you’re making the show in front of their ears”. The mistakes and failures are important. If you’re not doing the radio you don’t want to do, Jack asked. Leave! Christian was blunt in his response. “Make the radio or the art you want to hear yourself…we don’t need more good stuff, we need more great stuff!” Christian talked about the difficulty of moving to Australia and the very personal journey he has had to go on to get to the number 1 spot in Australia. People want to connection in radio especially in Covid. Christian spoke about laughing and how cathartic laughing is and how do you get this joy into his show. Breakfast shows to the rescue can by cynical and when Christian tries to help listeners he wants to entertain them first while still helping them. He finished the session with a few more pearls of wisdom. Never focus on the outcome, focus about the journey, listeners hear you in 5-10 minute bits that’s why your show has to all be about your values. You need to have something else to keep the spark alive! Christian compared himself to Miles Davies – watch the session to hear why!