Earlybird Registration Extended

If you haven’t quite managed to book your ticket for Radiodays Asia, then there’s some good news – we have extended the early bird ticket price until 15th July!

For just USD 349 you can come to Radiodays Asia, which includes Podcast Day Asia.

Radiodays Asia is an intimate conference, which gives you the chance to get up close to those who can help you with your business: whether that be podcasting, radio or audio. There is often time to catch up with speakers over coffee or ask a question in the exhibitors area if you are not able to ask in their session, and speakers are often found attending other sessions they are interested in.

We are expecting over 500 attendees from over 150 businesses from 40 countries to attend Radiodays Asia this year – make sure you are part of it.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

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