Radio 360- Next Generation Measurement Data

Australia’s radio market has rebounded amazingly post-COVID. The commercial radio industry has a 64% share, which is five times the share of online streaming music platforms such as Spotify, Jo Dick said.  

Radio360 is a hybrid radio audience measurement system made out of 3 measurement tools with a diary survey at the core of its system. The wearable meter watch helps calibrate and validate new audience insights, filling a gap in the market. The GfK MediaWatch sensors movement and body temperature. The ambient sound captured is encrypted and private. Its sound recording units are established in each city and record all station transmissions for audio matching.

Progressing forward, Radio360 capitalizes on growing digital audiences to provide profile to agencies and advertisers. Subcommittees were established to understand what the commercial needs are and ensure the alignment of all key marketing messages.

There are three core processes. Firstly, standardization. Radio360 ingests and cleans individual station logs data. Data such as listening patterns, cross station listening and device behaviour are validated by the GFK sensic tags. Secondly, creating streaming profiles where probability modeling is used to predict age and gender. Third, currency integration to align and integrate data into core currency and create average weekly results.

With Radio360, users can now see AM/FM/DAB+ and streaming audiences’ side by side within audited ratings data. Radio360 is designed to adapt and scale to each market’s unique requirements. It will align with the changing landscape of audio consumption. Radio360 is built for your market and for the future.

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