The Power of Disruption

‘There is a need to innovate, as radio has historically faced many challenges, and many disruptions try to put radio out of business, did we survive? Pretty much,’  Nazri Noran, the CEO of Media Prima Audio said. 

‘How to be disrupt?,’ Nazri questioned. ‘Malaysia has a huge following of K-Pop music, such as Blackpink. So Flyfm took the ownership which seized the moment content and activations during concert day. Our social media grows engagement and also increases radio views,’ he said.

Nazri has stated that Flyfm embraced Artificial Intelligence (AI) by creating Malaysian AI radio DJ. ‘ We experimented and created the first AI DJ. We create a life behind the voice. She even released her own song, and has her own Instagram and a cat named, ‘Moshi Moshi’. ‘

Nazri has also stated that they implemented a new way of engagement by turning their cabinet minister to radio icon, ‘KJ jadi DJ’. Flyfm offered him to join Hotfm as an announcer. KJ was an instant hit and any form of content on air and on digital tracked very highly in engagement with some of the content trending. Now, KJ continues his momentum to stay relevant by launching his own podcast, which is now the number one podcast in Malaysia. 

‘Radio is alive now because we have the ability to adapt,’ he said. Flyfm’s innovative approach to content creation and engagement has not only kept the station relevant but has also helped it thrive in the digital age. 

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